I had the privilege of being able to get an email interview with the extremely talented photographer, Lidia Vives Rodrigo:
1.    Tell us a bit about yourself….
I was born on January 29 in Lleida, Catalonia, a small town where there is always fog. Right now I have 22 years.
My father is a lawyer, but in his spare time is a painter, and since childhood has taught me everything there is to know about the world of painting and drawing. Since then kept handy a brush or pencil, filled my school books with characters, drawing on the tables, in the sand … I could do this anywhere.
I never imagined that one day I would replace my pencils for a camera. I guess that this past is what makes my pictures so pictorial, there comes a point where I come to think that they  become illustrations.
2.    How did you become a photographer? Did you study photography?
My first contact with photography was at an exhibition of Henri Cartier-Bresson. I went to school and I was amazed with their Kodak moments, spontaneity of his images. Later, I met Annie Leibovitz’s work and I was fascinated with her compositions. And finally I met Guy Bourdin who finally made me decide for this world.
I really did not plan to be a photographer, it was just a fun, until my roommate convinced me that and … until today!
I have not studied photography, I study fine arts in Madrid and we have one subject devoted to this art.
3.    What camera do you use?
I have got a  Nikon D90.
4.    Who is your favourite photographer and why?
 Hmm… Annie Leibovitz? I guess I have a special affection with her … the compositions, the color, the images almost cinematic, these contrasts … Everything of her.
  5.    Where do you go/ what do you do to get inspiration for your photography?
 Almost anything inspires me … the art itself, landscapes, clothing, objects, film, music! … But the moments where I feel totally inspired are the moments in the shower (I can spend hours in there) and above all, my dreams.
  6.    What kind of music do you like?
 I’m very eclectic but the one I truely like is Rock <3
7.    What is your favourite magazine?
8.    What, in your opinion, makes a good images?
Many things….I consider fundamental things …like composition, color, technique … but above all the issue, there has to be a story behind every image, a hallo of mystery.
9.    What qualities do you think someone needs to be a photographer?
It depends on the type of photographer you want to be … but most of all its necessary to have imagination and ability to improvise and most important: to learn to look.
10. Do you need to have an imagination to be a photographer?
It always helps yes hahaha especially if you are an art photographer, then it is a must!
11. Is there anything you dislike about being a photographer?
 Nothing, the idea of ​​creating my own world fascinates me.
12. What is your opinion on digital artists and photographers who create images using stock images?
 And why not?! That’s what they are for! Yes it is true that it is much better to have your own stock, but neither look bad whenever you have the permission of the other photographer.
13. Do you think that it is ok for newspapers and magazines to manipulate images?
You mean to make it seem overly thin girls? I’m totally against that, it does great harm in society … the Photoshop should be used with much more head, to beautify the image. No slimming looks bad if someone tries to reveal behind the photos a conceptual relevance, but  I thinks it is only because now the models have to look like broomsticks then I feel that an awful thing. Too bad thing.
 14.  What is your opinion on self portraits and do you think that they are “default” route into photography?
To Make a self-portrait has many positive factors: the fact that you’ll always be available, any absurd idea will seem good to do it and to really know what you are looking for as photographer will makes things go better and you’ll pose as expected (the problem of working with a model is that you tell your idea and he/she interprets in its own way, will never imagine the final picture as you do). Simply there is a total complicity between the photographer and the model, and its reflected perfectly.
Self-portraits are not simple at all, there is the problem that you are not seeing what you do, you’re not entirely sure you have set good image, you can see how you are posing … those things with someone else you can control it totally better.
In any case, although I am a big fan of self-portraits, lately I’m looking for new faces, it is also fun!
15. If you could photograph anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I’m not sure … Marilyn Monroe, Lilly Cole, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Conery, Adrien Brody … are people with very distinctive traits … in my opinion a model does not have to be handsome, I find it much more interesting to have a special face, an intense expression, an interesting look …
16. What is your favourite book?
I totally love Harry Potter haha and the Diary of Anne Frank, it doesn’t matter how many times I could be able to read it, it always surprises me.
17. What is your favourite image you have taken and why? (if you could send either a small jpeg of the image or a link that would be perfect)
 My favorite is titled “The Murder” but it still cannot be seen, it will be on my next exhibition and can’t circulate on the internet … And my other favorite pictures are “The Beetle” and “Honey Lips”, I like the impact they have … I can’t decide no one in particular.
18. If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be?
 I’d be a painter, but definitely I’d choose to be an artist.
19. Where do you see yourself and your work in three years time?
 I hope to continue being a photographer and get far, so far. I promise to make the biggest effort!
 20. Do you have any advice for aspiring photographers?
See great art, daily work and be very critical with yourself. I think those are the keys to success.