Catarina Gushiken

Born and raised in São Paulo,Brazil ,  Catarina  studied Desenho Técnico de Comunicação ,having painting ,drawing ,sculpting and photography classes,besides conventional disciplines like chemistry,math ,biology …in Brazil the high school don’t have focus on art .

During this period , Cata met some artists with fashion projects, then she graduated in Fashion Design ,and worked  in the meanstream for 8 years , but her real passion was always painting and drawing.

Guided by her dream she decided drop the job in a big fashion brazilian brand to create her own Art Studio ,and after that  she got her post graduation in Art Direction at Belas Artes University .

With a free personality , non-strings attached ou prejudices ,Cata likes to see her artwork in several surfaces as canvas ,walls,toys,books,decoration objects , and she also does commissioned jobs , and personal exhibits.

At her studio she has a space  called Sala Ilustrada (Illustrated Room) where she teaches anyone who wants to know about art and her creative universe closer, Catarina uses to drive a personal ride into the studio!”







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