Corinne Perry

I am a young self portrait artist producing work through the means of photography. This year I graduated with a first class honours degree from Birmingham Institute of Art and Design. In September I will begin studying for a MA in photography at Central Saint Martins.
The foundations of my practise are formed and shaped by my emotional state, taking great influence from my diary, with my life and my art being inextricably intertwined until there is no difference between the two. My work explores the emotional complexity of what it is to be human. I cannot conceal my emotional fragility nor can I understand how someone, who has the capacity to be happy, can swing from one extreme to the other with a matter of seconds. To keep this consumed deep within would allow it to thrive, but through constant honest portrayals of my emotional state, I am offered a cathartic realise an option to produce something beautiful from inner pain.

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1 thought on “Corinne Perry

  1. Striking images. Very impressive to a complete amateur like me – if I asked anyone I know to pose for images like these I would be reported to the Polis!, but keep up the great work. Wow! 😀

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