Christopher Conte

Born in Bergen, Norway, Christopher Conte was raised and currently lives in New York. After earning a Bachelors Degree in Fine Art (BFA) from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, he began working in the prosthetics field making artificial limbs for amputees which he did for 16 years as a Certified Prosthetist.

Throughout his time in the field, Chris worked in obscurity creating biomechanical sculptures which reflected his love for biomechanics, anatomy and robotics. In June 2008, he left the field to begin his career as a full-time artist.

Christopher uses a wide range of experience along with diverse materials and construction techniques to create his unique one-of-a-kind pieces. The work is usually a combination of original cast components with found/recycled parts using materials ranging from bronze to carbon fiber. Many of the exotic materials used in both the aerospace industry and the medical field have found their way into his work.

While a strong connection with future technologies is present in all of Chris’ work, ancient techniques such as lost-wax bronze casting have become an integral part of the process as well. The process involved in creating just one sculpture can often take weeks or even months.

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