Meguru Yamaguchi

Born in Shibuya, Tokyo in 1984.

Currently works and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Growing up in culture hub of Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan, He was influenced by Japanese animations and manga such as “Dragon Ball,” “Akira” and Tokyo Street Culture. In addtion, his parents, who are fashion designers, introduced him at a young age to American pop culture, such as Keith Haring, Jean Michel Basquiat and Warhol.

At fifteen, he was mesmerized by Vincent Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”, which encouraged him to study oil paintings and drawing. Meguru’s flower motif artworks, inspired by “Sunflowers”, are homage to Van Gogh who had beautifully portrayed nature and working people around in his paintings.

His artworks are rendered by numerous layers of different collages, sprays, acrylics and plastics. His unique “cut and paste” technique of color paints is reminiscent of Hip-Hop samplings from 70’s to the present day.

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