“Robert Tirado is a Venezuelan born illustrator and graphic artist currently based in Madrid, Spain.
His style is characterized by mixing a wide variety of digital and manual techniques, mainly inspired by female beauty, fashion and photography, supported by the geometry, art and music.
Tirado has had the opportunity to exhibit his work in major galleries in America and Europe,
including London, Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, L.A, Miami…
His works have been published in books like ”Illustradores Españoles”, “The Great Big Book Of
Fashion Illustration”, “Back To The Roots”… , as well as in prestigious magazines like Computer Arts (UK and Poland), Territory Magazine, Belio, Kurv, Practical Photoshop, Linea Curve, among others.
Teaching experience for over 8 years, currently teaches “portfolio” at Istituto Europeo di Design “IED”, Madrid”
You can view Robert’s previous feature on TFFB here.
Gorgeous work.