I’m Romano Ceccatelli, born in San Miniato (Pisa) twenty-seven years ago. I am currently studying Communication Sciences in Pisa. I would like to continue my journey focusing on communication and photography. In 2015 I attended a Photoshop course in Montopoli in Val d’Arno (PI), I heard a lot about photography, so I was intrigued and I bought my first reflex in April 2016. First I got informed by myself, taking landscape photos then in September 2016 I attended a basic photography course, continuing with another advanced and various portrait workshops in the studio. Slowly I became passionate about portrait photography, especially set outdoors

Title of project: “Saudade” was born from a nostalgia for a bygone era that I haven’t experienced. I was inspired by the style of the old photographs; those that still someone keeps in the drawers. Through these shots, which I consider timeless and without space, they identify themselves between their nostalgia and the melancholy of a past in which everything was slower, and the moment happened in full.






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