Born in Howrah, West Bengal, India but currently I am working  and living in Kolkata, I am  graduated and completed  Master Degree in Economics from Calcutta University .  In my childhood days ,I did the drawing and painting,  later in my mid-twenties I developed an interest in photography .

I participated in different photographic salons under FIAP and PSA patronages and won many awards/acceptances over the time and it is still continuing and received Excellence FIAP Honors from Federation de l’Art Photographique in 2009 .

Published/selected  in Dodho(5 times), Nat Geo ,Monovisionawards, iphotographeroftheyear (silver-award 2017 ), photoawards, ndawards, fineartphotoawards, 35awards, photographize magazine (issue no 38) , px3, tzipac, fotodng, 1x, moscowfotoawards,  Annualphotoawards, DNG Magazine(Issue no-156), thecrazymind, jaamzin  and  Gold winner in Tokyo foto awards 2018(tifa) in fine art/collage category

 Photographers of this trend create a reality that does not reflect reality, but prompted by subconscious, characteristics, the expression of unconscious fantasies. Something like unnatural, supernatural and mysterious. Here all the subjects are unearthly and unusual who are standing against a vast mountain landscape of timeless terrain. Sometimes they are engaged in talks and sometimes they are alone in the vast terrain. May be they are all human beings or may be not . Just takes a surreal approach to landscapes

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