The first three images below speak of cultural issues relating to Marital abuse exprienced by most African women in silence. The relationship is often one-sided, and oppressive. Even though there might seem to be times of peace and affection, these good times linger in the shadows of the subtle or not so subtle controlling tactics the husband uses for the purpose of getting his own way. No matter how humble and submissive she may try to get her voice across, the wife is hardly ever heard.
Last two images speak of Strong women who have the ability to deal with any obstacles in their house holds/at work as mothers, house wives especially in these weird times of corona virus [covid-19]. Their resilience didn’t come from the easy times they’ve had, but from the hard times ie 70% of healthcare and social workers across the world are women putting them at risk during the Covid-19 pandemic, childbirth delivery and lactation etc.. . They have developed their grit and tenacity by facing their challenges and figuring out how to make the most of them.