These images are in the most basic sense composed images and color statements. More formally they all have a leitmotif. I take this raw material and apply a programmatic theme, but most are simply things that are interesting enough to record or recreate. Since people are involved there is always a sense of psychological juxtaposition. Because of the disconnectedness of these, they seem to exist in the same space because of the illusion I’ve created, but there is an underlying sense of alienation and sometimes a just beneath the surface anticipatory terror–which is the modernity.
From a technical point of view I have always found that my interest was in some sort of process manipulation, at first physical, later chemical and now digital. I don’t take photographs in the traditional manner. I see the process cinematically and then collect cast and locations separately. I make the images from material I have gathered, either with a specific subject in mind, or serendipitously and then use them to complete an ongoing composition or to initiate a new one.