These are my newest and some of my most favorite works. During lockdown, I managed to somehow control acrylic pour/fluid paintings. My work has always been extremely personal, enabling me to overcome personal difficulties and so is constantly evolving. Before, this phase, I was heavily into my scribble portrait stage, rarely using any color. I consider all my work to be self expressive, the focus being on mood and marks rather than a great likeness of the model/face used, which is usually chosen moments before I start a piece! I prefer to skip planning and working things out and let the art just happen. As you can expect, not all are successful! But I find that if I do all the “prep” beforehand, I’m usually bored of it before I’ve even begun. With art, I’ve definitely learnt there is no “right way” but lots of personal ways, for me, art needs to be spontaneous…I’m always curious to see what I do next. 



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