Eric Blackman is a California based photographer specializing in landscapes. As an outdoor enthusiast landscape photography came natural for him, beginning in earnest when he started photo school over 15 years ago. When you talk to Eric you realize it’s not just one aspect of photography he loves, it’s the whole process. Whether it’s conceptualizing, scouting, deciding which variables need to be accounted for in the image, the actual work in the field or then adjusting to whatever nature throws at him. He enjoys and loves every last bit. Oftentimes he’s alone with his dogs when out on location, this solitude gives Eric ample time to reflect and truly soak in the magic of the moment, something he conveys through every image.
His latest series, soon to be a photobook, is entitled “A Jagged Edge”. This is the culmination of 7 years of living in and photographing the beauty, wonder and magic that is the Big Sur coast. In this series he applies his unique style to showcase a place constantly on the edge of a continent, ocean and on those special nights, space. Using these elements blended with variations of time, he has created images that stand on the jagged edge of the familiar and fantasy.