Architecture, autos and ephemera have been my life long fascination and that attracted led me into Graphic Design, where I pursued a successful career in Design and Illustration for several years.
I then chose to study print making at the London Collage of Printmaking, as this allowed me to build a career on my own personal creative interests and ideas. My design background continually informs my all of my current work- graphic prints and paintings that reverberate with urban motifs.
My work is exhibited internationally and has been sold around the globe- from London to Los Angeles, Sydney to Singapore and featured in magazines such as Artist and Illustrator, Coast and Australia’s Paper Runway.
I live and work in St Petersburg, Florida.
“ I usually carry my sketchbook and camera around with me, I never know when I will stumble across something great… either a rain streaked 1960’ s concrete structure or an abandoned rusty Fiat, it just has to be recorded. Strangely it transpires that cardboard (Collagraph print) is the material to capture these images ”