When I was ten, after a visit to Paris I got so excited by the beauty, vitality and energy of great cities I decided to use my drawing skills to reproduce from memory what I’ve seen. Initially just Paris and the medieval cities of Belgium fascinated me. Slowly but surely the drawings became ever more detailed and the range of subjects more extensive. Soon Italy caught my attention and I made numerous drawings of Rome, Florence and Genoa celebrating the culture and renaissance architecture of these centres of the arts. In response to the beauty of Italy grittier London and New York regularly began to feature in my work.

After a sell out show in Switzerland in 2012 living of my art became a real possibility. Since then I’ve shown and sold my work all over Europe and the US. So far the museum show in Amersfoort (NL) in 2019 was the highlight of my career. Still, my working methods haven’t changed since I began doing these drawings. As soon as I settle on an idea, I carefully prepare through a pencil sketch the composition and perspective. Once that’s done I use a dip pen and ink to work out the line drawing. After that I use watercolour for shading. I still work predominantly from memory and it takes sometimes over a year to complete a major drawing. Currently I’m working on drawings of London, Paris, Venice and Montreal in Canada.



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