I’m a Photographer & graphic designer from Germany who loves to capture the world in a minimalistic fashion to provide a different view on our daily surroundings. I rediscovered my love for photography in 2018 while doing a road trip through the American south west and never stoped since then. You could say that American cities, countrysides, landscapes and cars are my muse.  I fell in love with the US when I was a kid through different media and after I visited the first time this love only grew stronger. Even though I don’t live in the US I still try to achieve an “US Feeling“ in the pictures I take in Europe by using bright colours, sunny days and a vintage look.

6585 – CAR

I would’ve never believed if someone told me I would visit the locations of my favourite tv series years ago. When I arrived in Albuquerque last year it was quite a surreal feeling. I’ve never been to this city before but it felt somewhat familiar. Most people probably know which tv series took place here and I have to say, they made a great choice to choose this location. Of course I had to visit some of the most famous spots of Breaking Bad, which included the car wash that Walter White used to launder his money. It’s a real operating car wash and it was a really cool visit. I took a lot of pictures that were based on scenes of the show but it was this specific picture that stuck to me the most. Even though you wouldn’t make a connection to Breaking Bad if I hadn’t told you in the beginning. The most special aspect of the Picture for me was the fact that the Car was parked in the perfect spot right under the „CAR“ part of the „CAR WASH“ sign. It’s like the Headline to the motif or the motif to the headline. It was simply a perfect fit and it’s definitely one of my favourite shots from Albuquerque.
6685 – gas station 

This picture was shot somewhere in New Mexico. I took a long drive from Albuquerque to White Sands National Monument (It became a National Park recently) when I came across this small town. The whole place almost had a ghost city vibe to it because most of the businesses were closed, you couldn’t see a single person on the streets. After driving through it for a bit I decided to park the car and take some pictures of this abandoned gas station. It must’ve bin a while since the last car got filled up here and I always wonder what stories took place in a location like this. While walking around and taking pictures of all the abandoned places I can’t stop wondering about the history, the people, and the events that took place at one point in time and will never return. All that is left are the ruins of a long gone time. 
6733-picnic time 

This one was shot at White Sands National Park in New Mexico. A Place I wanted to visit ever since I heard about it the first time. It is a gypsum desert, which results in an almost perfectly white desert and a pretty surreal atmosphere. When I first got there it was shortly after a rain fall and there were many puddles which created some great reflections. When we drove up to the picnic area I couldn’t help but admire the contrast between the white desert and those weird looking picnic roofs, that looked a little bit alien in contrast to the natural wonder surrounding it. Almost like a Bus Stop in the middle of the Desert, but no Bus will ever get there. The fact that not a single Person was around also gave it a feeling of solitude and emptiness. 
8273 – 3 Amigos 

I took this picture shortly after the annual  fair in my hometown has ended and all the rides were dismantled. I was lucky to come across this Ferris wheel were all the gondolas were taken down until only 3 were left. You could say that I was at the right place in the right time because 5 or 10 minutes later the last 3 were gone too.  I especially like the unusual look of a Ferris wheel with only 3 gondolas which immediately makes you question what is going on here. It also makes for a great reduced atmosphere and provides a much cleaner look to the image. 


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