The title for this new color work grows out of a phrase Winston Wachter tagged it with when I was first creating the project. I found it fitting since the entire ethos of the work revolves around the idea of falling back in love with plants, remembering the central nature of all things of photosynthesis in our lives, thanking the growing elements around us for what they allow us to do and how they partner with us to keep us alive and thriving. In a time of deep sickness and upheaval I have found solace and calm in the plants that surround me and this work is meant to celebrate those simple pleasures and essential elements in our lives. Recently, I have spent a lot of time reminiscing about the hours I used to spend in the woods and fields, growing up on a farm in Vermont. No joke, I used to see if I could hide from my brother under piles of pine needles for hours at a time and would spend precious moments spacing out in the grass, avoiding the burdens of things like shoveling manure. These were primal happy moments and they provide guidance for ways we might orient ourselves towards the future: by remembering that without plants we are nothing and that without relaxing in the fresh air we are missing out.
Four of the murals are part of a huge commission for Expedia Group in Seattle, which are part of their new HQ there. Info on my site too.