I’ve been influenced a lot by japanese manga and animation. I attend a manga school but mid-way I realized that I’m more into backgrounds than characters, and more into colors than B&W. I started reproducing Ghibli’s backgrounds with gouache and moved on to digital in 2018. after some time I discovered concept art and decided to learn about it with the guidance of my teacher and videos on youtube. what I like about concept art is the idea exploration, and how sketches, colors and designs contibute to create a video game. it’s honestly thrilling to see your drawings taking life in 3D and put in a game! I recently did an internship at Twirlbound, a Dutch game development studio as an environment concept artist. that’s how I confirmed my career orientation as an environment concept artist
you can find more informations on my backgound here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chani-marin-384933199/?locale=en_US