My work with chemigrams is done by spraying then guiding traditional darkroom chemicals onto the surface of photographic film or paper. A monoprint is created as the chemicals crystallize, blacken, and warp: all reacting with the photo emulsion. It’s a perverse treatment of the material since there is no negative, lens, or camera involved. It’s not a reproduction, it’s only partially ‘writing with light’ (since developer is used on emulsion), but more enlightening what’s latent; written with accidents.
The images of houses are printed by using traditional RA-4 color darkroom chemicals. Specifically, they were done using a reversal process so the resulting images are positive. The subjects are miniatures captured without the use of a camera or lens. They are photograms: light is projected through an object placed on photographic paper. Each one is unique with different gradations and shadows; degrees of menace and revelation.