Collages, something everyone and anyone can do. Whether you’re able to cut, snip, rip or tear, you’ll be able to find your own unique way to produce a story with your art. This is how I’ve been able to create mine. With old magazines, books, postcards, you name it, if it has a colourful, older looking photo in it, I’ve probably ended up using it in one of my pieces. 

After a long break, I’ve decided to come back to my scissors and paper, my old small desk, where I either have a great idea right away, or one that will manifest itself in my mind for days. 

The pieces you see in front of you are a mix of both.  When I think of what I’d like the outcome of a certain project to look like, I often times imagine being able to create something that looks like it’s all just one complete photo, although it is multiple put together. My “look” has switched over the years, and are constantly inspired by my peers who also have introduced me into their world. But as of right now, I quite enjoy adding floral aspects, pastel coloured skies, and having an outer space theme in my pieces.

I do like to keep my ideas simple, and enjoy using one photo that I find the most interesting at the time as a base for the piece, but usually find myself abandoning it once I find another I enjoy more. I often times have no real process I go through before I begin, it is completely up to whether or not I see a photo and have a “Eureka!” moment when I see a photo after  scrimmaging through old books I’ve bought at the thrift store.


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