“The world, like a dream full of attachments and aversions seems real until the awakening.” – Adi Shankara, 8th Century CE
“All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.” Edgar Allen Poe, 1849
As a keen observer of both my inner and outer worlds, my work explores the dichotomy between the ‘real and the unreal’. Through the practice of Vedic meditation and study of yogic philosophy, I have developed a creative process which is entirely intuitive and ‘in the moment’, with no expectation of the outcome.
Experiencing the art-making process as a meditation allows enigmatic and surreal compositions to emerge from deep within the psyche. Utilizing layers, texture, language, and colour to investigate themes such as memory, dreams, and fantasy, my work draws the viewer into the subtle realm of the subconscious. The result is imagery that stimulates the mind’s eye, allowing the viewer to access internal narratives, either imaginary or recollected, from the level of mind which one usually accesses only in the dream state.