“My approach to painting is to begin with no plan or end game in mind. I start by making lots of spontaneous marks – and then respond to them with more marks or patches of colour – laid down instinctively and very quickly.

Gradually those spontaneous marks begin to need coherence through pictorial structures and forms. These structures are either imposed or found within the spontaneous marks. They create the necessary armature which supports the free flowing expression. The pace of painting slows as I concentrate on weaving together structure and spontaneity – seeking balance and harmony. It is a give and take process with features appearing and disappearing – in a ‘see what happens if ?…’ attitude.

 I observe, listen and respond to the painting as it develops through layers and iterations.

My goal is to create a painting that excites in the making – taking pleasure in the placing of each colour, line or shape next to another other over and over again, until the painting rings true to me in its freshness, energy and power to evoke.

This exciting approach to painting has taught me that what filters in to my being through the senses marinades and can find a way out again through painting and into a brand new expression.

Sometimes I can discern some visual parallel in the paintings to, for example, colours or impressions of landscapes or gardens I love, cadences of birdsong or rhythms of music playing in the studio .I do not speculate too much about where the paintings have come from. I enjoy the experience of bringing them to fruition and accept them as an expression which may, in fact, have no words, explanation or explicit narrative – something more akin to instrumental music, maybe.”

Sweet Days and Roses ( 40 x 30 inch/ 101 x75 cm acrylic on canvas) image0.jpeg
Tumbling Autumn ( 40 x 30 inch/ 101 x75 cm acrylic on paper)
Nocturne ( 20 x 30 inch /51 x 75 cm acrylic on board)
Spring Confetti ( 40 x 30 inch/ 101 x75 cm acrylic on canvas) image2.jpeg
Winter painting ( 10 x 15 inch acrylic on board)
Early Morning ( 40 x 30 inch/ 101 x75 cm acrylic on canvas)



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