The Green Magic project is an ongoing exploration divided into two parts. Firstly it explores identity and portraiture as I perform aspects of family members and ancestors in the Nower ancient woodlands near my current family home. This work is based on spoken narratives, half truths, mythologies and the natural distortion of memory over time in relation to family history.  Looking specifically at the idea of  characterisation, a hedgewitch and forager who is displaced in time and history explores how to survive, with just the natural world at her disposal whilst carrying all her worldly possession attached to her clothing.Green Magic is a project exploring the medicinal properties of plants in relation to folklore, superstition, witchcraft, herbal medicine and magical practices. This is a long term ongoing project looking at historical narratives, half truths, ancestral knowledge, documentation, alchemical and botanical illustration, folk history and herbalism.

Current work building up to a solo show on Green Magic, the History of Herbalism, and Plant/Human Anatomy(not yet exhibited) All works are watercolour and pencil on paper 22x30cm – they will form part of an installation of about 80 works, to be exhibited alongside sculpture and drawing.This forms the part of a compendium of herbal plant lore and superstitions.
Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 – touring to London, Basingstoke and Jersey.

Bloodlines – Biro on Watercolour paper, Family and friends tree portrait where every member is represented by their favourite plant creating a personal social history and a bodily lineage of a deep rooted connection to nature, encompassing personal histories and stories.



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