These works are from a series/inspired by a series called “There is Still Magic Here”. “There is Still Magic Here” is a series of paintings illustrating everyday, overlooked landscapes as an agent for exploring the wonder in our daily lives. Here is the artist statement:
“When the world began to feel a little too gray, I started walking. It was nothing notable, just walks in the vicinity of my apartment. Often, the route was the same – the same houses, the same alleys, and sometimes the same people. But sometimes, on these otherwise ordinary walks, I would notice something that felt special. Mundane pieces of the landscape arranged just so beckoned me to come closer, look longer. I got lost in these seemingly ordinary compositions, photographing something that looked like nothing at all. But it meant something to me.
These seemingly ordinary spaces became portals to something extraordinary – the space between day and night, between known and unknown, between here and there. In these liminal spaces, I found magic. I decided to let go of my rules, and I dove into this world of magic. I let myself believe campfire stories. I let myself remember what it felt like to play outside as the sunlight faded away. I let myself play in the space between reality and somewhere else, delighting in symphonies of color and bursts of neon brushstrokes. I saw that even here and now, there is beauty to relish in, joy to surrender to, and magic hiding in plain sight.”