I used to paint in a more traditional style but I was always trying to find different ways to imprint reality through my works. Most of the times I used to make a grid (still do) when I am creating something, and at some point while working on a sketch, i had the idea to take advantage of that grid. Now starting from the grid, i create and choose shapes during the process, coloring them, changing them etc., without having a clear plan. Everything happens during the process, so there is that surprising feeling, which I like. Of course sometimes some parts of the painting can be done in the old style but that depends on the artwork, and to be honest I find it less and less necessary as time passes. Sometimes there is a personal story behind a canvas or a painting on a wall, that makes the artwork more powerful or important (to me at least).


The artworks theme mostly has a figurative approach, with most of the compositions representative of women’s forms, and sometimes in “mysterious” poses, but without that being the norm. Other times i am focusing on the nature and animals, or sometimes i tend to distort reality, positioning masks to the figures. My main focus is on creating a nice image, different or contemporary, and easy on the eye. 

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