I am a landscape painter who takes their inspiration from walking the land. The climate and weather and its impact on the landscape play a significant part in my work. I predominantly use oils and my painting over the years has shifted from a representational image of a landscape to the more abstracted.

I like to play with combinations of colours, textures and expressive marks to create mood, atmosphere, drama. I paint intuitively, focusing first on the desire to work with particular colours. This experimental part of the process creates the foundations of the painting. Layering colour and texture through mark making. Adding glazes to create depth and atmosphere.

At times my landscapes are almost abstracted.

There is a point in the process where the painting will trigger a memory of a place and suggest a particular direction. At this point the development of the painting is more considered, and I may draw on sketches, photographs as well as the memories and the feelings of a place to refine the composition.

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