Hey everyone, NK-MORT here! Ever wondered how my art comes to life? Let me take you through the unique process of creating my art.

Title: Every piece starts with a spark of inspiration and a title that captures the essence.

Initial Sketch: I sketch the outline in Photoshop, laying down the foundational elements and structures. It’s all about capturing the initial flow and energy.

Adding Colour & Form: Next, I add layers of colour and form to the sketch, bringing it to life with bold hues and dynamic shapes.

Enhancement: I take the piece into a specialized app to enhance details and textures. This step adds depth and a unique mixed media feel to the artwork.

Final Touches in Photoshop: I return to Photoshop to refine the artwork, adjusting lighting, adding finishing touches, and ensuring every element is perfectly reflected and balanced.

And voila! “Nk-Mort Art” is ready to be shared with the world.

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