For me, art has always been about escape. Painting provides me with a sense of calm and ease that no other activity can. I have a deep love for all things dark and light; especially art which showcases both of those in contrast to one another. I love bright colours, but I also love muted tones. I am inspired by nightlife and how light flows through the darkness; leaving small flickers of its presence around to be seen, and missed, with the blink of an eye. Where possible, I like to incorporate the everyday with a slight change, usually with a positive undertone to provide our mental state with some light in the darkness. I am inspired by so many artists and for me, painting will always be my way to travel to distant places unachievable in real life. My work has been previously described as ‘kid art made by a grown up’ and this I wholeheartedly agree with. I hope you like my work, and that you can connect with my childlike dreamscapes. 

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