These paintings are from The Black Parade triptych. The center painting was completed last year for a group show at Exhibit A Gallery in Los Angeles. It was a pretty cool show – all the artists got to choose photos from photographer Jeremy Saffer, and then paint our version of them. I chose the band Imperial Triumphant, and painted something based on their aesthetic and music. I ended up really liking the painting and decided to expand on it and tie it in with my Black Triangle series.

The Black Triangle series is something I’ve been working on over the past years. It’s basically a body of work that illustrates various concepts that involve a fictional cult called The Order of the Black Triangle. The art in the series has elements of the occult, spirituality, life/death, and just general weird stuff. It’s also going to be the title of an art book/horror anthology I’ve been putting together, https://www.orderoftheblacktriangle.com/