I studied 3D Design at Brighton polytechnic and graduated in 1992. Leaving Brighton I decided I needed to move to London to somehow continue with my art journey and eventually found work at Bronze Age sculpture casting studio in East London. I found the various processes and techniques of bronze casting fascinating and worked as a chaser in the metal work department welding and finishing cast bronze sculptures. After a few years working at the foundry and gaining valuable skills I decided it was time to move on and concentrate on my own art practice.

I work in a variety of media and styles including sculpture, drawing, digital and painting and have exhibited widely throughout the UK and sold to many art collectors world wide. I have received awards for my work and was a finalist in the “Not the Turner prize” for the painting “The Groom Smoking” ( judged by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Ronnie Wood ) and runner up in the Staffordshire open art competition . My sculptural work features in the prestigious book “Reasons to Love the Earth,” a collection of artworks curated by the Earth foundation in the Netherlands.

Machine Age Series 

The concepts of time and discovery are the fundamental issues I am dealing with in this series of sculptural work. The study of archaeology and more specifically, the findings of human remains have helped gain a further insight into past life times and previous cultures, which has fuelled my fascination with human existence.

Selecting found objects, specifically machine made, I have fused mechanical textures with human forms cast from life resulting in the creation of cyborgs. The skin has eroded in areas to reveal mechanical systems analogous to the internal workings of the body. The fusion of man and machine can be seen as testament to modern mans condition and could also provide future civilisations with glimpses of the machine age.




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