My paintings are a representation of everyday life in urban and rural places.  I’m inspired by simple elements of community living and the small, day-to-day activities that define our existence. I spend hours walking the streets and alleys of North American cities and towns and find inspiration in the small gestures of life – umbrellas during the storm, the hustle and bustle of a nighttime scene in the busy city, the quiet reflections of the morning commute.

My passion for painting began with pastels. Pastels offer the painter a pure medium, with immediate, intense colours and the ability to blend, express, and soften with complete freedom. My oil painting allows me to work more deeply ‘into’ the painting, and gives additional freedom over size and space.

Light and its interaction with colour defines my work. Starting with a dark, textured canvas, I build on expression and meaning with bold tones.  My pastels are defined by short, dramatic impressionistic strokes, while my work in oils is more precise and determined.  In all my paintings, I strive to bring life and vibrancy to scenes that may otherwise seem ordinary.



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