Ron Donoughe, a full-time professional artist, has been painting the Western
Pennsylvania landscape for nearly 30 years. His previous work included Chicken
Catcher, Grave Digger, Landscaper, Graphic Designer, Museum Installer, and University
Ron was awarded best of show at Three Rivers Arts Festival, 2003, and his work was
selected for Salon International, Masters of Contemporary Fine Art, 2004. He was a
featured artist on a special for PBS, Visionaries, which showcased the Westmoreland
Museum of American Art. Ron’s work was also featured in a one-person exhibition at the
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts in November 2006 with a book released at that time,
Essence of Pittsburgh. The Pennsylvania Governor’s Residence featured his work in
2011 exhibition, Across the Alleghenies.
Ron is a member of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and his paintings can be found in
many corporate and private collections as well as The Westmoreland Museum of
American Art, The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, The Pennsylvania Convention
Center, The Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh and The Duquesne Club of Pittsburgh. His
book, 90 Pittsburgh Neighborhoods was published in 2015. The Heinz History Center
acquired his 90 neighborhoods paintings as a permanent collection. August 8, 2018 was
named Ron Donoughe Day by the mayor and City Council of Pittsburgh for his artistic
He is best known for exploring a particular region for a year at a time, and creating a
body of work that documents the texture and spirit of place. The work becomes a visual
time capsule for future generations. He has taught plein air workshops throughout in the
US and France.
Most recently the University of Pittsburgh Press published his new book, Brownsville to
Braddock, which explores 40 miles of river towns.
He is currently Artist in Residence at Fallingwater, the Frank Lloyd Wright housel