These are all gallery works i’ve presented in the past 2 years. I’m really bad about talking about the intention behind my work, but I’ll try to say the best I can. I suppose my inspiration for making work most of the time is based from childhood memories of spending time in the woods at summer camp. The days when you’re a kid who feels like they can take on the world but at the same time being the same age of not knowing what could be lurking out in the dark dark woods. That middle time where reality becomes just as scary as the unknown boogeyman that might just exist. I feel like you lose a lot of that fantastical imagination as you get older and other priorities take hold, but I always want to go back and recapture that feeling of what its like growing up with ghost stories around a campfire or something unexplainable. Not necessarily fear or horror, just something different from the monotony of everyday adult life. Maybe in saying that, my biggest fear is the idea of succumbing to the daily grind and not a murderous ghost in the woods.




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