I’m Calum Seeley, a mixed-media artist based in Norfolk, England.
I grew up in this area of England and as a result, the scenery and architecture in Norwich really resonate with me in a way that not everyone can relate to.
Venturing into Norwich for collage were my moments of peace.

Within my work I explore and evoke beauty hidden away in regular everyday ‘boring’ locations. Using scrap metals, fabrics, and plastics; Stuff we throw away everyday.
It’s facinating to me how scrap materials harmonise with each other, react with different lighting, and construct these scenes in a 2D sense as well as a 3D sense.

I find colour a less influential element when creating due to my colour blindness, instead I focus on texture and 3D forms to piece together the composition.

Above all, painting is an escape from my mind. When I paint all other thoughts disappear.
It doesn’t matter what I create, just so long as my need to create is fulfilled.

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