My work is imbued with my love of nature, travel, music and reading. My subject matter may vary between the landscape and the figure but what remains the same is the need to paint with feeling, expression and intuition.I see my paintings as distillations of my emotions and experiences. Surrounded by the scenic beauty of Ireland and influences from America , I combines the shapes, textures, colours and rhythms found in nature into an abstracted narrative. Blending these visual references with my feelings and memories I want to create work that gives a sense of a place, time or memory.I usually sketch plein air and then work on these back at the studio, developing ideas and also referencing photos and memories. My process involves working on 2 to 3 pieces at a time, each piece feeding of the next.I work mainly with Acrylic, Oils and mixed media, using a variety of tools. I have a deep infinity for mark making and draw inspiration from a wide variety of Artists such as Joan Mitchell, Barbara Rae, De Kooning and Monet.

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