Joanna Beck

Joanna Beck is a Buckinghamshire, UK based artist and illustrator who is very much inspired by the rural area in which she grew up and is currently living in.  After moving to various cities she felt that the beauty of the natural world away from the hustle and bustle of urban living is her true inspiration.  As a child she often spent time playing alone and would draw and write stories to amuse herself.
She works in mixed media, mostly watercolour with graphite, coloured pencil and illustration pens.  She sometimes uses tea staining on the paper also to give work an aged look.
Her work centers mostly around the female figure, depicting sometimes vulnerable subjects in natural settings.  Her work weaves images of life and death together, with some of the figures adorning themselves with skulls.  She also likes to mix realism and fantasy in her work, with the figures realistically depicted but in imagined settings.
She aims, through her artwork to inspire people to spend time in the natural world and absorb themselves in its beauty and serenity.
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