Daniel Stepanek

I have always enjoyed drawing and painting from an early age, driven by a natural inclination to express myself and also through encouragement from friends and family. I studied Illustration at HND level but changed courses to Graphic Design, I knew I could draw but didn’t really know what to do with it. In the past 10 years I was drawn towards fine art and only in the past 5 have I found direction. Learning techniques, actually finishing ideas and forcing myself to find a style only highlights the frustration I have with it, you could say the style chose me.
Some of my main influences have been artists like Antony Micallef, Basquiat, Johan Van Mullem, Cesare Lucchini, Melissa Cooke and Ross bowns.
A painting doesn’t have to have some long discombobulated meaning to it, to me it’s about pure expression. Right now I am trying to ‘not try’ and let my experience do the work. Let’s see what happens…

marco_lo Tommy The dragon and the fish = .. roswell_3 Anna Eleanor Yeah Yeah Ariel





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