Dalton Carpenter

I am an Arkansas based artist whose work is always in a state of flux. I am perpetually inspired and these inspirations come out in various mediums. I specialize in traditional media, particularly pencil and colored pencil. Although watercolors and acrylics are something I’ve been experimenting with more recently.

Portraits and human figures are the dominant images featured in my art. I feel that there is something deeply spiritual and telling about doing figures.

I find out so much about myself and what it really means to be a spiritual being in this mundane world, when trying to replicate the images of people onto a plain surface. As esoteric as that sounds, I don’t know how else I could adequately describe it.

Mythology and literature are also enormous sources of inspiration for me, as they are for many artists past and present. I am drawn to the myths and legends of many cultures from
but not limited to, Ancient Greece, India, Mesoamerica, and Celtic regions. Medieval manuscripts and folklore are also one of my passions, and a times creep into my art.

Stylistically I consider myself a Surrealist who wants to be a minimalist while holding onto Pre-Raphaelite tendencies sprinkled with Art Nouveau. Dutch artists and Flemish painters are some of my favorites, although, at the time, I don’t think my works reflect this, much. I consider art and style to be evolutionary and I know that I will probably be very different in my aesthetic in a few years.

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